managing capital with disciplinE

investment funds

We provide a diverse array of investment opportunities customized to suit market conditions and the financial objectives of our clients.

Invest with OCHUN

If you are interested in investing, please feel free to contact us.
About us

OCHUN SC LLC is an asset management firm devoted to delivering global market prospects to our clients.


We provide comprehensive reports of our operations and investment performance to our stakeholders.

Professional management

Entrusting your assets to a proficient, skilled, and experienced team allows for peace of mind, while also conserving your valuable time.


The firm operates under a special permit of the Financial Regulatory Commission and is subject to supervision by multiple entities, such as the board of directors, internal auditors, and external auditors.

Risk management

We identify, plan, and manage risk.

OUr partner organizations

Enhance your returns by entrusting your investments to experienced professionals.

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frequently asked questions

Why should you invest?


Companies generate wealth, while the stock market facilitates its distribution. Individuals and businesses participate in the wealth creation and distribution process by purchasing shares and other financial instruments of wealth-generating companies on the capital market. Investment funds serve as conduits for these individuals and organizations, offering diversified portfolios that enable investors to pool their resources efficiently.


What is an investment fund?


An investment fund is a financial vehicle that pools money from numerous investors to invest in various assets such as stocks, bonds, or commodities. The primary purpose of an investment fund is to provide investors with exposure to diversified portfolios managed by professional fund managers.


How to choose the right investment product for you?


Choosing the right investment product should take into account your financial objectives, current financial position, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Our investment advisors can recommend you the right investment product suited to your needs.


How to become an investor?


Please fill out this form, and an investment advisor will contact you for additional information. You may also reach out to us using the contact details provided in the designated section.

Complete the following questionnaire to determine your own "Risk tolerance level".
How much investment experience do you have?