how do we work?

Discover our investment approach, decision-making process, and philosophy.
investment philosopphy

Fair value and market prices often diverge in the short term, but over the medium and long term, market prices tend to converge towards intrinsic value. Therefore, our focus lies in making medium and long-term investments based on fundamental research.

Professional services
Deliver best-in-class service.

Operate at a high level of professionalism.

We are a professional investment company dedicated to uphold the principles of financial integrity and professionalism.

Superior long-term performance

We aim for consistent and high-risk adjusted investment returns.

Long-term sustainable growth
High risk-adjusted returns
In-depth research and analysis
Research-based decision making

Based on research and analysis

We base our investment decisions on comprehensive research and analysis, while continuously evolving by incorporating new investment strategies and research trends.

Risk management

The primary distinction of professional investors lies in risk management. We consistently monitor our investment portfolio, anticipate potential risks, and proactively manage them.

Risk management
Risk preventation
OCHUN SC LLC investment

Decision-making process