Delivering unparalleled value to investors by utilizing the market potential to its full extent while upholding professional ethics.
About us
OCHUN SC LLC is as an investment management firm, primarily focusing on the establishment and management of investment funds. Our operations are governed by the regulations of the Financial Regulatory Commission, and we operate under a specialized license obtained for this purpose.
Our company, established in 2018, operates in accordance with FRC's Resolution No. 69 dated April 24, 2019.
Our values
Protect the interests of stakeholders, prioritize transparency and professional ethics, and operate free from outside influence.
Aim for consistent, high risk-adjusted investment returns.
Consistently evolve and advance investment methods while remaining receptive to emerging research trends.
Remain flexible and adaptable to market fluctuations.
Promote social responsibility and uphold good governance principles, adhering to the concept of sustainable development.

CEO message
Greetings to our valued investors,
OCHUN SC LLC's mission is "To deliver unparalleled value to investors" with a focus on prioritizing substance over form and distinguishing itself through tangible results rather than advertising.
We leverage the benefits of investment funds to introduce innovative financial solutions tailored to investors' needs. Our focus is on establishing and managing funds with industry-leading fundamental capabilities with an objective to deliver high risk-adjusted returns.
We are witnessing the evolution of both global and Mongolian financial markets. As the market progresses, it grows in complexity and presents a broader array of options, increasing the demand for professional expertise. Our team committed to operating with independence, earning the trust of our investors as we strive to fulfill this expanding demand.
OCHUN LLC was founded in 2018 and obtained a special license from the Financial Regulatory Commission (FRC) in 2019. Since 2023, the company has experienced growth in it number of investors, expanded the scope and diversity of its investments, and broadened its operational activities. By 2023, our assets under management had reached ₮11 billion, and the return on our investment portfolio had been exceptional.
We are committed to consistently delivering innovative solutions that meet the needs of our investors. We are dedicated to conducting our operations with ethics, responsibility, and transparency, and distinguish ourselves by delivering risk-adjusted returns that outperform the market.
We strive to capitalize on global opportunities and grow together with our investors.
Orgil Ganbat
“Managing capital with discipline”
Group company's organization structure

Our team
Our team of experienced professionals leverages their expertise to identify market opportunities, mitigate risks, and achieve sustainable investment results, delivering consistent value for our clients.